My name is Hailey Trubey. I come from a big family, my parents of 25 years who raised me and 4 other siblings. I have an older sister who is 22 with a 4 month old little boy. Younger sister who is 16, younger brother that is 15 and the baby of the family and he is 12. My biggest dream is to become an Early Childhood Education Teacher. Honestly do not have a preference on what grade, I just love working with kids. I want to be one of those teachers that children remember from their early years in school.

I attended Bryan High School in Bryan Ohio. During my Elementary and High School career I was involved in a lot of extra curriculums. I played soccer, softball, basketball all through Jr. High, and then once I started High School I only played soccer and basketball. Also through being a part of the soccer program in Bryan I did over 8 hours of community service every year.  As well as through a program I was involved in through my senior year of High School. The program was called “TRUST”. This program consisted of an English, social studies, and community service credits. We had 5 hours a week during the school day to go out in the work fields and help out our local community. The first semester I worked with 1st graders, then the second semester I worked at our local Senior Center.

I attended Defiance College, where I received my Bachelors in Early Childhood Education. I’m hoping after receiving this degree I can go out and pursue my dream and become a teacher and hope to be one of those teachers that students remember when they look back on their schooling years.
